Terry Leibel
As a Licensed Real Estate Broker in the State of South Dakota, Terry is President of Dakota Land Brokers, based in Pierre, in the central portion of the state.
Terry grew up on and still owns and operates the family farm in Gregory County, which includes diversified rotational crops.
Through his extensive experience dealing with agricultural, residential and commercial properties at various levels, he has a strong understanding of the value of all types of property.
Through a vast network of Brokers and Auctioneers throughout South Dakota and surrounding states, he is connected with the best in the business.
Terry is also a State Certified General Appraiser in the state of South Dakota. He is an independent fee appraiser and President of Mid-State Appraiser Service, located in Pierre.
Over the last twenty plus years, he has appraised residential, agricultural and commercial properties throughout the central portion of the state.
His clients include numerous banks, mortgage companies, appraisal management companies, attorneys, accountants, city and county governments, the federal government, and individuals.
Terry is past President of the Professional Appraisers Association of South Dakota and current President of the South Dakota Chapter of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers.

Kelsie Hughes
State Certified Residential Appraiser
As a certified residential appraiser, Kelsie has appraised residential properties throughout central South Dakota. Having appraised various types of residential properties including urban, small acreages, and rural, she has experienced a wide range of types and values of home and thoroughly understands the marketability for each. Her clients include numerous banks, mortgage companies, appraisal management companies and individuals.

Shandi McFarling
State Licensed Appraiser
As a Licensed Appraiser in South Dakota, Shandi is very familiar with all types of residential properties. Having appraised residential properties not only in the Pierre area, but in many neighboring smaller towns and rural communites in central South Dakota, she has a strong knowledge of the different markets for each. Her clients include numerous banks, mortgage companies, appraisal management companies and individuals.
Kyle Wilhelmsen
Accredited Equipment and Livestock Appraiser
As a mechanic and certified welder, Kyle has a broad knowledge of equipment, having worked with various farming and ranching operations, a county highway department, and a national guard maintenance shop. Kyle's background gives him a good understanding of the type, quality and condition of equipment and livestock which is, of course, so important to the valuation process.
Kyle has met all the the experience criteria needed to attain the designations of both an Accredited Equipment Appraiser and Accredited Livestock Appraiser from the American Society of Agricultural Appraisers.